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O que Fazer enquanto Deus não Responde?

Lemos na bíblia em Oséias 6:3

Então conheçamos, e prossigamos em conhecer ao Senhor; a sua saída, como a alva, é certa;

A vontade de Deus já está escrita em sua Palavra. Quer ouvir Deus falando? Leia a bíblia, é através da bíblia que Deus fala conosco, veja o que diz em Hebreus 1:1 “Havendo Deus antigamente falado muitas vezes, e de muitas maneiras, aos pais, pelos profetas, a nós falou-nos nestes últimos dias pelo Filho,

Deus nos deu inteligência e capacidade para tomarmos decisões. Neste sentido, passe a decisão pelo filtro da Palavra de Deus, ou seja, veja se Deus desaprovaria sua decisão. Roubar, matar, se vingar, desejar mau ao próximo, enganar, mentir são coisas que já sabemos que Deus desaprova.

Não desista, prossiga. Filipenses 3:13 e 14 “Irmãos, quanto a mim, não julgo que o haja alcançado; mas uma coisa faço, e é que, esquecendo-me das coisas que atrás ficam, e avançando para as que estão diante de mim, Prossigo para o alvo, pelo prêmio da soberana vocação de Deus em Cristo Jesus.”


Podemos, a qualquer momento, entrar na presença de Deus e a pergunta é: Você está preparado? Já creu em Cristo como seu único e suficiente salvador? Pois esta deve ser sua maior preocupação.

Quero te ajudar a compreender a vontade de Deus para a sua vida. No topo dessa página ou ao final dela, tem um link de CONTATO, sinta-se a vontade para me enviar uma mensagem a qualquer hora do dia ou da noite, bem como pedidos de oração ou qualquer dúvida que tenha restado.

Que Deus te abençoe.

What to do while God does not Respond?

We read in the bible in Hosea 6:3

“Then let us know, and go on to know the Lord; its departure, like the dawn, is certain; “

We must understand that we are lazy by nature. Most people start something and give up before reaching the end. This is for life in general, career, relationships, etc. Unfortunately with God it has been no different. I know dozens of people who want to have an intense and true relationship with God but don’t want to pray, don’t want to read the Bible, don’t want to fight sin and still don’t understand why they don’t feel the presence of God.

God has millions of ways to talk to us and we only have one way to talk to him, through prayer.

Do you want to hear God speaking? Read the bible, it is through the bible that God speaks to us and transmits his will to us. Hebrews 1:1 “When God spoke in many times of old, and in many ways, to the fathers through the prophets, he spoke to us in these last days through the Son,“

Most people transfer the decisions they must make to God. We often forget that God gave us free will. But why still don’t have the attitude to make decisions and want someone or even God to guide us?

It’s simple, it’s because it’s easier to blame someone else if something goes wrong. We can’t handle the feeling of guilt properly so we want to transfer it to other people.

Decide now, the time and opportunity may be passing. But also, pass the decision through the filter of the Word, that is, see if God would disapprove of your decision. Stealing, killing, getting revenge, wishing others bad, cheating, lying are things that we already know that God disapproves of.

Don’t give up, go ahead. Philippians 3:13, 14 “Brothers, as for me, I do not think that I have attained it; but one thing I do, and it is that, forgetting the things that are behind, and advancing on those that are before me, I proceed towards the target, for the prize of the sovereign vocation of God in Christ Jesus.”

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We can, at any time, enter the presence of God and the question is: Are you ready? Have you believed in Christ as your only and sufficient savior? This should be your biggest concern.

I want to help you understand God’s will for your life. At the top of this page or at the end of it, there is a CONTACT link, feel free to send me a message any time of the day or night, as well as prayer requests or any remaining questions.

God bless you.

Shàngdì bù huí yìng shí gāi zěnme bàn?

我們在何西阿書 6:3 中讀到聖經




你想听神說話嗎?閱讀聖經,上帝通過聖經向我們說話,並將他的旨意傳達給我們。希伯來書 1:1 “當上帝在古時許多時候,以許多方式,通過先知對列祖說話,在這末世,他通過兒子對我們說話,”




不要放棄,繼續。腓立比書 3:13, 14 “弟兄們,至於我,我想我還沒有達到;但我做的一件事就是,忘記後面的事情,前進在我面前的事情,我朝著目標前進,為了在基督耶穌裡的上帝至高無上的聖召的獎賞。”





Wǒmen zài hé xī ā shū 6:3 Zhōng dú dào shèngjīng

“nàme ràng wǒmen zhīdào, jìxù rènshí zhǔ; tā de líkāi, jiù xiàng límíng yīyàng, shì quèdìng de;”

wǒmen bìxū míngbái, wǒmen tiānshēng jiùshì lǎnduò de. Dà duōshù rén kāishǐ mǒu shì bìng zài dàodá zhōngdiǎn zhīqián fàngqì. Zhè shìyòng yú yībān de shēnghuó, zhíyè, rénjì guānxì děng. Bùxìng de shì, duì shàngdì ér yán, qíngkuàng bìng méiyǒu shé me bùtóng. Wǒ rènshí hěnduō rén, tāmen xiǎng yǔ shàngdì jiànlì qīnmì ér zhēnshí de guānxì, dàn bùxiǎng qídǎo, bùxiǎng dú shèngjīng, bùxiǎng yǔ zuì bódòu, dàn réngrán bù míngbái tāmen wèishéme bù zhèyàng zuò” gǎnjué bù dào shàngdì de cúnzài.

Shàngdì yǒu shù bǎi wàn zhǒng fāngshì yǔ wǒmen jiāotán, ér wǒmen zhǐyǒu yīzhǒng fāngshì yǔ tā jiāotán, nà jiùshì tōngguò qídǎo.

Nǐ xiǎng tīng shén shuōhuà ma? Yuèdú shèngjīng, shàngdì tōngguò shèngjīng xiàng wǒmen shuōhuà, bìng jiāng tā de zhǐyì chuándá gěi wǒmen. Xī bó lái shū 1:1 “Dāng shàngdì zài gǔ shí xǔduō shíhòu, yǐ xǔduō fāngshì, tōngguò xiānzhī duì liè zǔ shuōhuà, zài zhè mòshì, tā tōngguò er zi duì wǒmen shuōhuà,”

dà duōshù rén jiāng tāmen bìxū zuò chū de juédìng jiāo gěi shàngdì. Wǒmen chángcháng wàngjì shàngdì gěile wǒmen zìyóu yìzhì. Dànshì wèishéme háishì méiyǒu zuò juédìng de tàidù, xīwàng yǒurén shènzhì shàngdì lái yǐndǎo wǒmen ne?

Zhè hěn jiǎndān, yīnwèi rúguǒ chūxiàn wèntí, gèng róngyì zéguài biérén. Wǒmen wúfǎ zhèngquè chǔlǐ nèijiù gǎn, yīncǐ wǒmen xiǎng jiāng qí zhuǎnyí gěi qítārén.

Xiànzài juédìng, shíjiān hé jīhuì kěnéng zhèngzài guòqù. Érqiě, tōngguò huàyǔ de guòlǜ qì chuándì juédìng, yě jiùshì shuō, kàn kàn shàngdì shìfǒu huì bù tóngyì nǐ de juédìng. Tōuqiè, shālù, bàofù, zhùfú tā rén, qīpiàn, shuōhuǎng shì wǒmen yǐjīng zhīdào shàngdì bù zànchéng de shìqíng.

Bùyào fàngqì, jìxù. Féi lì bǐ shū 3:13, 14 “Dìxiōngmen, zhìyú wǒ, wǒ xiǎng wǒ hái méiyǒu dádào; dàn wǒ zuò de yī jiàn shì jiùshì, wàngjì hòumiàn de shìqíng, qiánjìn zài wǒ miànqián de shìqíng, wǒ cháozhe mùbiāo qiánjìn, wèile zài jīdū yēsū lǐ de shàngdì zhìgāowúshàng de shèng zhào de jiǎngshǎng.”


Wǒmen kěyǐ suíshí jìnrù shén de tóng zài, wèntí shì: Nǐ zhǔnbèi hǎole ma? Nǐ shìfǒu xiāngxìn jīdū shì nǐ wéiyī hè zúgòu de jiù zhǔ? Zhè yīnggāi shì nín zuì guānxīn de wèntí.

Wǒ xiǎng bāngzhù nǐ liǎojiě shàngdì duì nǐ shēngmìng de zhǐyì. Zài cǐ yèmiàn de dǐngbù huò dǐbù, yǒu yīgè “liánxì fāngshì” liànjiē, nín kěyǐ zài báitiān huò wǎnshàng de rènhé shíjiān xiàng wǒ fāsòng xiāoxī, yǐjí qídǎo qǐngqiú huò rènhé shèngyú wèntí.

Shàngdì zhùfú nǐ.

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