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Por Que as Coisas Só Pioram na Minha Vida?

Lemos na bíblia em Hebreus 10:36

“Porque necessitais de paciência, para que, depois de haverdes feito a vontade de Deus, possais alcançar a promessa.”

A bíblia nos ensina que Deus permite a dificuldade na vida do cristão para colocá-lo no caminho correto. Enquanto sua própria vontade for o seu padrão, as coisas costumam dar errado.

Veja o que diz em Romanos 5:3-5 “… também nos gloriamos nas tribulações; sabendo que a tribulação produz a paciência, E a paciência a experiência, e a experiência a esperança. E a esperança não traz confusão, …”.

Talvez Deus queira trabalhar em você alguma destas coisas (paciência / experiência / esperança). Não se esqueça do que diz em Hebreus 10:36 “Porque necessitais de paciência, para que, depois de haverdes feito a vontade de Deus, possais alcançar a promessa.”.

A chave aqui está em cumprir a vontade de Deus e não a nossa.


Podemos, a qualquer momento, entrar na presença de Deus e a pergunta é: Você está preparado? Já creu em Cristo como seu único e suficiente salvador? Pois esta deve ser sua maior preocupação.

Quero te ajudar a compreender a vontade de Deus para a sua vida. No topo dessa página ou ao final dela, tem um link de CONTATO, sinta-se a vontade para me enviar uma mensagem a qualquer hora do dia ou da noite, bem como pedidos de oração ou qualquer dúvida que tenha restado.

Que Deus te abençoe.

Why Do Things Only Get Worse in My Life?

We read in the Bible in Hebrews 10:36

“For you need patience, so that, after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise.”

The Bible teaches us that God allows difficulties in a Christian’s life to put them on the right path. As long as your own will is your standard, things often go wrong.

See what it says in Romans 5:3-5 “…we also glory in tribulations; knowing that tribulation produces patience, And patience gives experience, and experience gives hope. And hope does not bring confusion, …”.

Maybe God wants to work on one of these things in you (patience/experience/hope). Don’t forget what it says in Hebrews 10:36 “For you need patience, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised.”

The key here is to fulfill God’s will and not ours.


We can, at any time, enter the presence of God and the question is: Are you prepared? Have you believed in Christ as your only and sufficient savior? This should be your biggest concern.

I want to help you understand God’s will for your life. At the top of this page or at the end of it, there is a CONTACT link, feel free to send me a message at any time of the day or night, as well as prayer requests or any questions you may have.

God bless you.

Wèishéme wǒ de shēnghuó zhǐ huì biàn dé gèng zāo?

Why Do Things Only Get Worse in My Life?

We read in the Bible in Hebrews 10:36

“For you need patience, so that, after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise.”

The Bible teaches us that God allows difficulties in a Christian’s life to put them on the right path. As long as your own will is your standard, things often go wrong.

See what it says in Romans 5:3-5 “…we also glory in tribulations; knowing that tribulation produces patience, And patience gives experience, and experience gives hope. And hope does not bring confusion, …”.

Maybe God wants to work on one of these things in you (patience/experience/hope). Don’t forget what it says in Hebrews 10:36 “For you need patience, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised.”

The key here is to fulfill God’s will and not ours.


We can, at any time, enter the presence of God and the question is: Are you prepared? Have you believed in Christ as your only and sufficient savior? This should be your biggest concern.

I want to help you understand God’s will for your life. At the top of this page or at the end of it, there is a CONTACT link, feel free to send me a message at any time of the day or night, as well as prayer requests or any questions you may have.

God bless you.


Wèishéme wǒ de shēnghuó zhǐ huì biàn dé gèng zāo?

我們在聖經中讀到希伯來書 10:36



請參閱羅馬書 5:3-5 所說的「…在患難中,我們也歡喜;在患難中,我們也喜樂;知道磨難產生忍耐,忍耐產生經驗,經驗產生希望。希望不會帶來混亂,…」。







Wǒmen zài shèngjīng zhōng dú dào xī bó lái shū 10:36

“Yīnwèi nǐmen xūyào rěnnài, zhèyàng nǐmen zūnxíngle shén de zhǐyì zhīhòu, jiù kěyǐ dédào yīngxǔ.”

Shèngjīng jiàodǎo wǒmen, shàngdì yǔnxǔ jīdū tú zài shēnghuó zhōng yù dào kùnnán, shǐ tāmen zǒu shàng zhèngquè de dàolù. Zhǐyào yǐ zìjǐ de yìzhì wèi biāozhǔn, shìqíng chángcháng huì chūcuò.

Qǐng cānyuè luómǎ shū 5:3-5 Suǒ shuō de `…zài huànnàn zhōng, wǒmen yě huānxǐ; zài huànnàn zhōng, wǒmen yě xǐlè; zhīdào mónàn chǎnshēng rěnnài, rěnnài chǎnshēng jīngyàn, jīngyàn chǎnshēng xīwàng. Xīwàng bù huì dài lái hǔnluàn,…’.

Yěxǔ shàngdì xiǎng zài nǐ shēnshang zuò yīxiē shìqíng (nàixīn/jīngyàn/xīwàng). Bùyào wàngjì xī bó lái shū 10:36 Suǒ shuō de “nǐmen bìxū rěnnài, zhèyàng nǐmen zūnxíngle shén de zhǐyì, jiù kěyǐ dézháo suǒ yīngxǔ de.”

Zhèlǐ de guānjiàn shì shíxiàn shàngdì de yìyuàn, ér bùshì wǒmen de yìyuàn.


Wǒmen kěyǐ suíshí jìnrù shén de miànqián, wèntí shì: Nǐ zhǔnbèi hǎole ma? Nǐ shìfǒu xiāngxìn jīdū shì nǐ wéiyī qiě zúgòu de jiù zhǔ? Zhè yīnggāi shì nín zuì guānxīn de wèntí.

Wǒ xiǎng bāngzhù nǐ liǎojiě shén duì nǐ yīshēng de zhǐyì. Zài běn yè de dǐngbù huò mòwěi, yǒu yīgè “liánxì” liànjiē, qǐng suíshí xiàng wǒ fāsòng xùnxí, wúlùn báitiān háishì wǎnshàng, yǐjí qídǎo qǐngqiú huò nín kěnéng yǒu de rènhé wèntí.

Shàngdì zhùfú nǐ.

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